Unit I International and Area Studies: Concepts, Theories and Approaches

  • Major concepts, scope and nature of International Relations and Area Studies
  • Theories: Realist, Liberal, Marxist and Critical Theories of IR and Area Studies
  • Approaches: Western and Non-Western
  • Power Politics: Balance of Power, Geopolitics, Bipolarity, Unipolarity, Multipolarity and Polycentrism
  • State and Non-State Actors in IR and Area Studies

Unit II Evolution of International Relations and Area Studies

  • Emergence of nation states and nationalism
  • Pre-World War I International System
  • Inter-War Period
  • Post-World War II Period (Cold War)
  • Decolonisation, Global South and International Politics
  • Post-Cold War International Relations
  • Impact of Globalisation

Unit III Contemporary World Order

  • Changing Patterns of World Order: Unipolarity, Bipolarity, Multipolarity and Polycentrism
  • Role of Major Powers: US, Russia, China, Japan, India and EU
  • Globality, Globalism and Globalisation
  • Democratisation and the World Order
  • Science, Technology and Global Order

Unit IV Conflict, Security and Peace: National and International

  • Concepts, components and models of National and International Security
  • Evolution of Strategic Thoughts: Kautilya, Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, Antonio Jomini, Carl von Clausewitz, H. Mackinder, A.T. Mahan, G. Douhet, William Mitchell, Alexander de Seversky, H. Kissinger
  • Evolution of Strategic Doctrines: Massive Retaliation, Deterrence, Flexible Response, Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI), NMD
  • Evolution of India’s Security Policies and Nuclear and Maritime Doctrines
  • New Modes of Warfare: Conventional, Low Intensity Conflicts, Information and Communication warfare, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare, Revolution in Military Affairs
  • Non-Traditional Security Threats: Food and Health Security, Energy Security, Environmental Security, Gender Security, Human Security, Cyber Security and Terrorism
  • Conflict Resolution and Peace, Arms Control and Disarmament.

Unit V International Organisations and Global Governance

  • Role of International Organisations in International Peace and Security, Development cooperation and Democratisation
  • United Nations: Role, Relevance, and Reforms
  • Global Governance: Issues and Challenges of global commons
  • Regional and Sub-regional Organisations
  • Impact of Globalisation.
  • International Law as an instrument of global governance

Unit VI India’s Foreign Policy

  • Evolution of Objectives and Principles of India’s Foreign Policy
  • India’s Relations with Neighbourhood and Extended Neighbourhood
  • India and Major Powers: US, Russia, China, Japan, and EU
  • India’s Look East and Act East Policy
  • India’s Engagement with International and Regional Organisations
  • Role of India’s Soft Power in its Foreign Policy

Unit VII South Asia and Indo-Pacific Region

  • Geopolitical and Geostrategic setting
  • Colonialism, nationalism and independence movements
  • Nation building, state building and challenges to democratization
  • Post-Independence developments: Political Regimes
  • Internal and External Threats to State Security and Human Security
  • Regional Territorial and Maritime Issues, Role of Extra-regional Powers.
  • Regional Trade, Development Cooperation and Strategic Partnership: IORA, SAARC, ASEAN, ARF, APEC, BIMSTEC, Mekong-Ganga Cooperation etc.
  • Impact of Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation (LPG)

Unit VIII Central Asia, West Asia and Africa

  • Geopolitical and Geostrategic setting
  • Colonialism, nationalism and independence movements
  • Nation building, state building and challenges to democratization
  • Post-Independence developments: Political Regimes
  • Internal and External Threats to State Security and Human Security
  • Regional conflicts and issues and role of extra-regional powers
  • Regional Trade, Development Cooperation and Strategic Partnership
  • Impact of Globalisation

Unit IX Europe and Erstwhile Soviet Union/Russia

  • Geopolitical and Geostrategic setting
  • Nationalism, Industrial Revolution and State building
  • Europe between two World Wars
  • Alliances and Accords in Europe: NATO, WARSAW PACT, Helsinki Accord, EU etc.
  • Internal and External Threats to State Security and Human Security, Migration refugees and Ethnic Problems
  • Trade, Development cooperation and Strategic Partnerships
  • Role of US in Europe
  • Impact of Globalisation

Unit X The Americas

  • Geopolitical and Geostrategic setting.
  • Colonialism, Nationalism and Independence Movements.
  • Nation building, state building and challenges to democratization.
  • Internal and External Threats to State Security and Human Security.
  • Regional conflicts and Issues: Role of US and Extra-regional Powers.
  • Regional trade, development cooperation and strategic partnership.
  • Globalisation and its impact.


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