Unit – I Introduction to Women’s Studies

  • Key concepts in Gender studies.
  • Need, Scope and challenges of Women’s Studies – Women’s Studies as an academic discipline. Women’s Studies to Gender Studies, Need for Gender Sensitization.
  • Women’s Movements – global and local: Pre-independence, Post-independence and Contemporary Debates.
  • National Committees and Commissions for Women.

Unit – II Feminist thinkers and theories

  • Liberal Feminism, Marxist Feminism, Radical Feminism, Socialist Feminism, Indian Feminism, Black Feminism, Eco-Feminism.
  • New Feminist Debates- Post Colonial /Post Modern, LGBT, Masculinity Studies.
  • Contemporary Contestations – Intersex and Transgender Movements.
  • Feminist thinkers in 18th, 19th, 20h and 21st Century

Unit – III Gender and Education

  • Women’s Education – Gender diversities and disparities in enrolment, Curriculum content, Dropouts, profession and Gender.
  • Gendered Education- Family, Culture, Gender roles, Gender Identities.
  • Education for the Marginalized Women.
  • Recent Trends in Women’s Education – Committees and Commissions on Education.
  • Vocational education and skill Development for women.

Unit – IV Women, Work and Employment

  • Theoretical Perspective: Fredrick Engels, Rosa Luxemburg, Sandra Whiteworth, Boserup Esther.
  • Concept of Work – Productive and non – productive work – Use value and market value.
  • Gender Division of Labour – Mode of Production – Women in organized and unorganized sector.
  • New Economic Policy and its impact on Women’s Employment – Globalization – Structural Adjustment Programs.

Unit – V Gender and Entrepreneurship

  • Concept and meaning, Importance of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial traits, Factors contributing to Entrepreneurship, enabling environment, small Enterprises, women in agri-business.
  • Gender and emerging Technology – Impact.
  • Self-help Groups and Micro Credit.
  • Gender mainstreaming, Gender budgeting, planning and Analysis.

Unit – VI Women and Health

  • Life Cycle Approach to Women’s Health – Health status of women in India, factors influencing health and Nutritional status.
  • Maternal and Child Health (MCH) to Reproductive and Child health approaches.
  • Issues of declining Child Sex Ratio, Widowhood and old age.
  • Occupational and mental health.
  • Health, Hygiene and Sanitation.
  • National Health and Population Policies and Programmes.

Unit – VII Women Empowerment and Development

  • Theories of Development, Alternative approaches – Women in Development (WID), Women and Development (WAD) and Gender and Development (GAD).
  • Empowerment- Concept and indices: Gender Development Index (GDI), Gender Inequality Index (GII), Global Gender Gap Index (GGGI).
  • Women Development approaches in Indian Five – Year Plans.
  • Women and leadership– Panchayati Raj and Role of NGOs and Women Development.
  • Sustainable Development Goals, Policies and Programmes.

Unit – VIII Women Law and Governance

  • Rights: Gender Equality, Gender Discrimination, Women’s Rights as Human Rights.
  • Constitutional provisions for Women in India.
  • Personal laws, Labour Laws, Family Courts, Enforcement machinery – Police and Judiciary.
  • Crime against Women and Child: Child Abuse, Violence, Human Trafficking, Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act, 2013 – Legal protection
  • International Conventions and Legislations Related to Women’s Rights.

Unit – IX Gender and Media

  • Discourse on Women and Media Studies- Mainstream Media, Feminist Media.
  • Coverage of Women’s issues and issues of women in Mass Media and Media Organizations (Audio-Visual and Print media).
  • Digital Media and legal protection.
  • Alternative Media – Folk Art, Street Play and Theatre.
  • Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986, Impact of media on women.

Unit – X Feminist Research Methodology

  • Understanding Feminist Research – Concepts, Debates and Limitations.
  • Feminist Epistemology, Feminist Standpoint, Sexist and Non-Sexist Research Methodology, Ethnography, Queer Theories.
  • Research Design and Methods – Survey, Exploratory, Diagnostic, Experimental, Action Research and Case Studies.
  • Qualitative verses Quantitative Research.

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