UGC NET Syllabus for Buddhist, Jaina, Gandhian and Peace Studied


  • Life of Gautama the Buddha and the Origin of Buddhism (From the birth to Mahāparinirvāṇa and the events happened thereafter)
  • Buddhist Councils (From first to fourth) and the contribution of great emperor Aśoka and Kanișka to the spread of Buddhism in India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, China and Tibet.
  • Schools of Buddhism: Theravāda and four Philosophical Schools (Vaibhāșika, Sautrāntika, Vijňānavāda and Mādhyamika)
  •  Pali and Sanskrit Canonical Buddhist Literature (Pāli Tipiṭaka and Sanskrit Vaipulya Sūtras)
  • Life and Works of Buddhaghosa, Nāgārjuna, Vasubandhu and Dharmakīrti.


  • Three modes of Teachings of the Buddha: Sīla, Samādhi and Prajňā
  • Philosophical Concepts: Trilakṣaṇas: Anitya, Duḥkha and Anātma, Noble Truths, Pratītya-samutpāda, Citta-santati and Ᾱlaya-vijňāna, Śūnyatā and Nirvāṇa
  • Budddhist Meditation: Samatha and Vipassanā
  • Six heretical thinkers, contemporary to the Buddha and their Philosophy.


  • Ancient Buddhist Educational Institutions (Mahāvihāras): Nālandā, Valabhi, Vikramaśilā, Udantapurī, Somapurī and Jagaddala.
  • Buddhist sculpture and Architecture: Nālandā, Bodhagayā Temple, Ajantā Caves, Sāncī Stūpa, Sāranātha
  • Places of Buddhist Pilgrimage: Lumbinī, Bodhagayā, Sāranātha and Kuśīnārā
  • Revival of Buddhism and Contribution of Anāgarika Dharmapāla, Mahāthera, Kṛpāśaraṇa, Candramaṇi Mahāthera and Bhikṣhu Jagadīśa Kāśyapa.
  • Impact of Buddhism on Social and Economic life.


  • History of Jainism: Kālacakra (cycle of time) and the tradition of Tīrthaṅkaras – Life-sketch of Lord Ṛṣabhadeva, Pārśvanātha and Mahāvīra
  • Jain Sects and their sub-division : Digambara and Śvetāmbara and their sub-sects.
  • Ṇamokāra Mahāmantra, Five Preceptor (Pañca Parameṣṭhi), Prayer, Bhakti, Upāsanā; Three Jewels : Samyakdarśana-Jñāna-Cāritra.
  • Prakrit Canonical (Āgama) Literature and their VĀCANĀS (councils).
  • Prominent Ācāryas of Jainism : Life and works of Ācārya Kundakunda, Ācārya Umāsvāmi(ti), Ācārya Siddhasena, Ācārya Akalaṅka svāmi, Ācārya Haribhadra Sūri, Ācārya Vīrasena Svāmi, Ācārya Jinasena, Ācārya Hemchandra Sūri and Ācārya Yaśovijay.


  • Vows: vows of Householders- Aṇuvratas, Guṇavratas and Śikṣāvratas; Great Vows (Mahāvratas) of Monks- Ahiṃsā (non-violence), Satya (truth), Asteya (non-stealing), Braḥmacarya (celibacy) and Aparigraha (non-possessiveness).
  • Seven elements and six substance; Theory of Karma and its classification, Puruṣārtha.
  • The concept of Knowledge and its classification.
  • Anekāntavāda and Syādvāda; Jain Yoga and Dhyāna.
  • The concept of Liberation in Jainism.


  • Jain Art (Śilpa) and Architecture : Jain caves and temples of Southern India, Jain Temples of Khajurāho, Devagarḥa, Pālitānā and Mount-Ābu.
  • Jain Sculptures, Paintings and Jain Iconography : important Jain Sculptures available in India, Idols received from Śravaṇabelagolā and Mathurā.
  • Impact of Jain Religion on Society: Vegetarianism (Śakāhāra) and Charity (Dāna); Status of women in Jain Religion.
  • Environmental and Ecological thoughts in Jainism; Jainism and Science.
  • Main Centres of Jaina Learning: Śravaṇabelagolā, Jesalamera, Ahmedabad, Varanasi, Vaishali, Koba, Ladnun, Jaipur, Delhi; Jainism in abroad.


  • Mahatma Gandhi:
    • Family background
    • Early life and education in India and England
    • Impact of various Religions and their Scriptures
  • Gandhi in South Africa:
    • The origin of Satyagraha
    • Struggle against Racial discrimination, injustice and exploitation
    • Impact of Leo Tolstoy, John Ruskin, Henry David Thoreau, Raichandra Bhai etc.


  • Foundations of Gandhi’s Social, Political, Economic and Religious Thought:
    • Views on Social Justice, Social inequalities, Caste System and Untouchability.
    • Women’s Problems and Empowerment
    • Gandhi’s views on Truth, Non-Violence, Satyagraha and the Theory of ends and means
  • State and Democracy:
    • Panchayat Raj
    • Parliamentary Democracy, Sovereignty, Freedom, Spiritualization of politics
    • Human Rights and Duties.
  • Fundamentals of Gandhian Economics:
    • Critique of Modern Western Civilization, Labour – Capital Relations
    • Small-Scale Cottage Industries
    • Constructive Programme and Sustainable Development.


  • Gandhi’s Role in Freedom Movement:
    • Champaran
    • Non-Cooperation
    • Ahmedabad Mill Strike, Dandi March
    • Bardoli and Kheda Satyagrahas
    • His Role in Vykom Satyagraha and Quit India Movement.
  • Gandhi and Partition of India.


  • Peace Studies:
    • Understanding Peace – Coercive and Non-Coercive Approaches, Culture of Peace.
    • The problem of War: Causes, Types, Attributes and Theories of War.
  • Major Peace Movements:
    • Pacifism, Civil Rights Movement in U.S.A. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament by various Agencies.
    • Green Peace Movement.
    • The contemporary Global Issues regarding World War and Quest for Peace.
    • Legacy of Peace Builders: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King (Jr.), Daisaku Ikeda and Nelson Mandela.
  • Conflicts:
    • Concept, Nature and Causes, Methods of Conflict Resolution.
    • Agencies of Conflict Resolution, UN Peace Keeping, Peace Building, Peace Education, Adjudication, Role of Shanti Sena, Track–II Diplomacy, etc.
  • Human Security and Terrorism:
    • The problem of Terrorism
    • Structural and State Violence

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