Unit I Practical Russian
a) Grammar
- Nouns, Adjectives and Pronouns. Gender, number, declensions
- Ordinal and Cardinal Numerals
- Verb: Aspect, reflexive verbs, verbs of motion with and without prefixes, verbal prefixes
- Verbal Adverbs
- Participles
b) Comprehension of texts
Unit II Phonetics and Phonology. Lexicology and Phraseology
a) Phonetics and Phonology
- Phonetics. Aspects of phonetics
- Classification of Russian sounds: Vowels and Consonants
- Changes of sound in speech act
- Phonological study of sounds
- Intonation: Types and usage
b) Lexicology and Phraseology
- Lexicology
- Polysemy.Different types of meaning and its stylistic usage
- Metaphors, metonymy, synecdoche. Lexical and grammatical meanings of word
- Homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, paronyms. Stylistic usage of synonyms, antonyms, paronyms
- Borrowings, calques, archaisms, neologisms
- Phraseology. Phraseological expressions in different styles
Unit III Morphology and Word formation
- Nouns and their usage
- Adjectives and their usage
- Numerals and their usage
- Pronouns and their usage
- Adverbs
- Verbs and their usage
- Prepositions, conjunctions, particles
- Interjections
Word formation. Stylistic usage of word formations
Unit IV Syntax
- Phrases
- Sentences. Parts of sentences
- Simple sentence and its classification
- Complex sentence and its classification
- Stylistic usage of different types of simple sentences
- Stylistic usage of different types of complex sentences
- Stylistic functions of conjunctions
Unit V Translation: Theory and practice. Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language
a) Translation: Theory and practice
- Theories of translation
- Methods of translation
- Types of translation
- Units of translation: Phoneme, morpheme, word, word combination, sentence and text
- Transformation: Lexical, grammatical and stylistic transformations and their subtypes
- Translation process: Equivalence, adequacy, interference
- Context and situation in translation
- Concretization and generalization in translation process
- Modern translation tools
b) Methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language
- Principles of didactics
- Methods of teaching
- Means and tools of teaching
- Techniques of evaluation
Unit VI Culture and Civilization
a) Russia: Land and People
- Early inhabitants. Eastern Slavs. Religion and culture of ancient Rus. Decline of Kievan Rus and emergence of Moscow. Mongol and Tatar invasion. Reign of Ivan the Terrible. Peter the Great. Romanov dynasty. October Revolution. Birth of the USSR. Stalin period. Period of thaw and stagnation. Collapse of the USSR. Birth of the Russian Federation. The Modern period.
b) Russian customs and festivals
c) Major figures and their contribution in the field of art: Paintings and handicrafts, music and ballet, theatre, cinema, sculpture and architecture; science and technology
UNIT VII Major Literary trends, methods and themes of 19th century, 20th century and of the Modern period
- Classicism
- Sentimentalism
- Romanticism
- Realism
- The Natural School in Russian Literature
- Critical Realism
- Modernism: Symbolism, Acmeism, Futurism, Imagism
- The Literary Groups of the 20-s and 30-s
- The Formalist school
- Socialist Realism
- Writings ‘for the drawer’
- The War Prose and verses, Village Prose, Urban prose, Gulag Prose, Women’s writings
- Poets of the sixties, Author’s song
- The Literature of the émigré writers
- Post-modernism
- Post-realism / Neorealism
UNIT VIII Distinctive features of main literary genres
Elements of the literary works
Biographical details and major works of the following authors:
- Griboyedov, A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, N. Gogol, I. Turgenev, F. Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov, A. Ostrovsky, I. Bunin, M. Gorky,V. Mayakovsky, A. Blok, S. Esenin, A. Rybakov, A. Akhmatova, O. Mandelshtam, M. Tsvetaeva, A. Kuprin, M. oschenko, M. Bulgakov, E. Zamyatin,M. Sholokhov, B. Pasternak, V. Shukshin, V. Astafiev, Ch. Aitmatov, E. Evtushenko, A. Solzhenytsin, V. Rasputin, V. Makanin
UNIT IX Russian Folklore: Features and classification
Close reading of the following literary works (up to the end of the 19th century)
Literary works: Slovo o polku Igoreeve
- A. Pushkin – Yevgeny Onegin, K Chaadaevy, Ya pomnyu chudnoye mgnoveniye, Stantsionii smotritel’
- M. Lermontov – Smert’ poeta, Parus, Giroi nashevo vremeni
- N. Gogol – Shinel, Revizor
- I. Turgenev – Rudin, Otsy i Deti
- A. Ostrovsky- Groza
- F. Dostoevsky – Pristupleniye i nakazaniye
- L. Tolstoy – Anna Karenina, Smert’ Ivana Ilycha
- A. Chekhov – Toska, Palata nomer 6, Vishnyovii sad
Literary critics: V. Belinsky, N. Cherneshevsky, N. Dobrolyubov, D. Pisareev
UNIT X Analysis of the following literary works (20th century onwards)
Literary works:
- M.Gorky – Starukha Izergil, Mat’, Na dne
- A. Blok – Dvenadsat’
- V. Mayakovsky – Oblako v shtanakh, Klop
- S. Esenin – Anna Snegina, Rus ukhodyashaya
- A. Akhmatova – Requeim
- M. Zocshenko – Priklucheniye obezyani
- M. Sholokhov – Sudba cheloveka
- B. Pasternak – Doktor Zhivago
- A. Solhenytsin – Odin den’ v zhizni IvanaIlycha, Matryonin Dvor
- V. Shukshin – Srezal, Mikroskop
- Ch. Aitmatov – Bely Parokhod
- V. Rasputin – Zhivi i pomni
- E. Evtushenko – Bratskaya GES
- M.Bulgakov – Master i Margarita
- I. Bunin – Antonovskiye yabloki
- A. Platonov – Kotlavan
- A. Vampilov – Utinaya okhota
- V. Makanin – The captive of Caucasus
- L. Ulitskaya – Medea and her children
- S. Shargunov – Hurray
Literary critics: V. Shklovsky, M. Bakhtin, Yu.Lotman, V. Nabokov
Ref.: ugcnetonline.in
- Learner’s Individual Differences
- NET First Paper Syllabus (यूजीसी नेट प्रथम पत्र सिलेबस)
- अध्ययन बोध परीक्षण (Comprehension Test)
- कैसे करें तैयारी : यूजीसी नेट प्रथम पत्र
- जून 2024 यूजीसी-नेट के लिए महत्वपूर्ण सूचना एवं निर्देश
- तर्कवाक्यों का विरोध (Opposition of Propositions)
- निगमनात्मक अनुमान (Deductive Inference/ Deduction)
- न्याय : संरचना, प्रकार एवं उसकी विशेषता (Syllogism : Structure, Kinds and it’s Characteristic )
- न्याय के दस सामान्य नियम एवं दोष: जानना है जरूरी! (General Rules and it’s Fallacy of Syllogism : Needs to Know)
- पदों की व्याप्ति (Distribution of Terms)