Modern Trends in the Study of Religion: Holistic or all-inclusive approach, interfaith understanding and dialogue, co-existence, human rights, empowerment of the Subaltern or social justice, gender equality, ecology and environment, world peace and harmony.
Jewish Beliefs: Ten Commandments, Talmud, Midrash, Passover, Messiah, etc.
Jewish Celebration: Sabbath, Synagogue Assembly, Passover, Feast of Weeks, Feast of Tabernacles
Jewish Ethics: Covenant consciousness, Mosaic Laws, Jubilee stipulations, marriage and family
Importance of Jerusalem
Major Denomination of Judaism
The Life and Message of Jesus Christ
The beginning of Christianity and the Sermon on the Mount
Old Testament and New Testament Scriptures
Main Christian Churches (Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant)
Important Beliefs and Teachings of Christianity
Christian Life: Worship, Rituals, and Mysticism
History of Christianity in India
Contemporary Trends in Christian Theology
The social, religious condition of Arabia before the advent of Islam
Life of the Prophet Mohammad and the basic teachings of the Quran, the establishment of the Islamic community and the Madina state.
Introduction of Hadith and Fiqh and some important Muhaddith (Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim) and Faqi (Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafi, Imam Malki Imam Hanbal)
Some important Muslim thinkers: Ali ibn e Hazam, Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, ibn-e-Taimiyah and Shah Waliullah
Development of Sufism, some important Sufi order’s (Chishtiyah, Qadriayah, Suharwardiyah, Naqsbandiyah, and their impact on society
Challenges of modernity and the reform movements among Muslim in India
Origin and development of sects: ithna Ashari, Mutazilites and Asharits
The contribution of Medieval Islam to Rational sciences, philosophy and fine arts.
Socio-religious milieu and life and mission of Guru Nanak
Development of the Sikh Panth (1539-1708)
The Sikh Scripture (Sri Guru Granth Sahib) and the Sikh Literature
The Sikh beliefs and the code of conduct
The Sikh institutions, ceremonies and festivals
The Sikh sects and Modern socio-religious movements