Unit – I: History of the Prakrit Language: Origin and Development

  1. Elements of the Prakrit language in Vedic literature
  2. Earliest source of Prakrit
  3. Development of the Prakrit language:

Primary Prakrit –

  • Inscriptional Prakrit, Niya Prakrit, Prakrit Dhammapada
  • General introduction to the language of the Aṅga Canonical texts
  • General introduction to the language of the texts – Kasāyapāhuḍa, Ṣaṭkhaṇḍāgama and the texts of Kundakunda

Secondary Prakrit –

  • Language of the Upāṅga canonical texts and Mūlasūtras : Aupapātika, Rājapraśnīya, Daśavaikālika, Uttarādhyayana
  • General introduction to the language of the Mūlācāra, Bhagavatī Ārādhanā and Tiloyapaṇṇatti
  • General introduction to the language of Gāthāsaptasatī, Paümacariyaṃ and Vasudevahiṇḍī

Tertiary Prakrit:

  • Commentary literature of the Canons : general introduction to the language of the Dhavalā and Jayadhavalā, sukhabodhā, commentary of Śīlāṅka on Sūtrakṛtāṅga
  • General introduction to the Setubandha, Gaüḍavaho, Līlāvaikahā and Prakrit texts of Haribhadrasūri, Kuvalayamālākahā
  • Origin of the Apabhraṃśa language: Study of the works of Joindu, Svayambhū and Puṣpadanta & the Apabhraṃśa verses cited by Hemacandra in his Prakrit grammar.

4. Contribution of Prakrit to the development of modern Indian languages: Hindi and other regional languages

Unit – II: Origin and characteristic features of different Prakrits

  • Mahārāṣṭrī
  • Śaurasenī
  • Ardhamāgadhī
  • Māgadhī
  • Paiśācī
  • Apabhraṃśa

Unit – III: Prakrit Canons and Commentry literature

  • History of Ardhamāgadhī and Śaurasenī canonical literature
  • History of commentary literature of the Prakrit canons
  • General introduction to the Samaṇasuttaṃ

Unit – IV: History of Prakrit Kāvya literature

  • Mahākāvya
  • Khanḍakāvya
  • Caritakāvya
  • Kathākāvya
  • Campūkāvya
  • Muktakakāvya

Unit – V: Prakrit in the ancient dramatic literature and Saṭṭaka literature

  • Prakrits in the dramas of Aśvaghoṣa and Bhāsa
  • Prakrits in the Mṛcchakaṭika, Mudrārākṣasa and in the dramas of Kālidāsa
  • Characteristic features of the Saṭṭaka literature

Unit – VI: Prakrit Inscriptional literature

  • Study of the 14 Rock-edicts of the Girnar version of Emperor Aśoka
  • Study of the Hāthīgumphā Inscription of Emperor Khāravela
  • Study of the Ghaṭiyāla Inscription of Kakkuka

Unit – VII: Prakrit Scientific literature

  • Rhetorics
  • Kośa
  • Some important Prakrit texts on Astrology and Mathematics
  • Prakrit grammarians and grammatical treatises
  • Metrics
  • Features with examples of some of the metres in Prakrit and Apabhraṃśa
  • Prakrit Metres – gahā, patthā, viulā, uggāhā, gāhū, siṃhiṇī, gāhiṇī, khaṃdhaa
  • Apabhraṃśa Metres – duvai, kaḍavaa, ghattā, pajjhaḍiā, helā, caüpāiyā

Unit – VIII: Prakrit Grammar and Prakrit Philology

  • Prakrit Grammar – General rules of the Noun, Adjective, Pronoun,Verb, Indeclinables, Case, Case-endings, Sandhi and Samāsa
  • Prakrit Philology – Phonetic Changes – vowels and consonants, ya-śruti, anusvāra, anunāsika, visarga; Phonetic behaviors – Assimilation, Dissimilation, Anaptyxix, Metathesis, Elision, Āgama and etc.

Unit – IX: Study of the Original Prakrit Texts

  • Ācārāṅga (First śrutaskandha : Chapter I – satthapariṇṇā; Chapter II- logavijaya)
  • Uttarādhyayana (Chapter I – Viṇayasuyaṃ, Chapter IX – namipavajjā)
  • Daśavaikālika (Chapters – I, II, III and IV)
  • Pravacanasāra of Kundakunda (Chapter I – jñādhikāra)
  • Sammaisuttaṃ of Siddhasena (Full text)
  • Dravyasaṃgraha of Nemicandra (Full text)
  • Bhagavatī Ārādhanā of Śivārya (verses 1 – 72)
  • Vasunandī-śrāvakācāra (verses 1 – 50 and the verses based on seven types of addictions 60 – 87 and 101 – 111)

Unit – X: Study of the Original Prakrit Kāvya literature

  • Mṛcchakaṭika of Śūdraka – only Prakrit portions (Chapters 1,2 and 6)
  • Setubandha of Pravarasena – Chapter I
  • Vajjālaggaṃ of Jayavallabha – First eight vajjās : soyāra, gāhā, kavva, sajjaṇa, dujjaṇa, mitta, neha, nīivajjā
  • Gāhāsattasaī of Hāla – First śataka : verses 1 – 50
  • Samarāiccakahā – Chapter I
  • Kuvalayamālākahā Uddyotansūri – paragraphs 1-12
  • Karpūramañjarī of Rājaśekhara (Full)
  • Paümacariu of Svayambhū – Chapters 21 and 22
  • Nāyakumāracariu of Puṣpadanta – Chapter I
  • General introduction to the modern Prakrit literature
  1. Rayaṇavālakahā
  2. Bhāvaṇāsāro
  3. Virāgasetu
  4. Titthayara-bhāvaṇā

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